The history behind COVID-19

In 2003, SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) is believed to have possibly started from bats, spread to cats and then to dogs and humans. Starting in China, it spread to 26 countries. The syndrome is characterized by respiratory problems, fever, dry cough and body aches. It is spread through respiratory droplets from coughs and sneezes. The quarantine efforts for this breakout was a wake-up call for healthcare professionals to improve outbreak responses which was used later to tackle H1N1, Ebola & Zika under control.

What is COVID-19?

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease which is caused by a new strain of coronavirus which causes illness ranging from common old to severe diseases such as MERS-CoV & SARS-CoV. Most people who fall sick experience mild to moderate symptoms and recover without special treatment. Most common symptoms include dry cough, fever and tiredness. The virus can affect the upper (sinuses, nose, throat) and lower respiratory tract (lungs and windpipe). As per preliminary data, the recovery time from this virus is approximately 2-3 weeks.

The COVID-19 virus was officially announced to be a pandemic by the World Health Organization on March 11, 2020 after barrelling through 114 countries in 3 months. It had infected over 118,000 people at that time. The COVID-19 is caused by a new strain that was previously not found in humans.

The COVID-19 pandemic has reshaped nearly every aspect of our lives, and the healthcare industry is no exception. The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted healthcare operations across the globe. Pandemics are large-scale outbreaks characterized by high burden of morbidity & mortality which causes disruption in every level of our society from economy to healthcare. Outbreaks have been occurring lately, but every outbreak doesn’t reach the global pandemic level such as the novel coronavirus which has stretched the healthcare infrastructure of even the developed countries. This marks an urgent need for the upgradation of healthcare infrastructure all over the world to tackle future outbreaks with minimum casualties.

fighting the covid-19 pandemic

Impact on Healthcare Industries

Although, COVID-19 continues to challenge the growth of various industries, the immediate impact is varied. While some industries are registering a drop in demand, some are growing unscathed amidst the pandemic. The rising prevalence of orthopaedic conditions are the backbone for the growth of the implants market. As per various studies, technological advances have been identified as the primary reasons for the market growth of orthopaedic implants. In a nutshell, the COVID-19 pandemic has altered the orthopaedic landscape for the coming few years. There has emerged new developments in the web-based education platforms to train and educate surgeons. The economic downfall that the world has endured due to the shutting down measure has equivocally impacted the healthcare industry as a whole. The healthcare industries have suffered severe dips in 1st and 2nd quarter sales which have forced them to take proactive steps to conserve capital and maintain liquidity during these uncertain times. Hospital staff, surgeons and orthopaedic industries must work together now to tackle the anticipated increase in demand for healthcare products and implants once we’re back to normal. Certain strategies must be put in place to mitigate this increasing demand for the final quarter of this year.

How GPC Medical is fighting the pandemic?

The COVID-19 numbers have slowly started to drop which is a good sign but nevertheless a joint collaboration between scientists, experts, healthcare innovators and policymakers is the only way to overcome this pandemic for once and all. For the ones who keep going, we’re always here to help. As you prepare your business and your daily operations for a new normal, we are here to help. We, at GPC Medical are doing everything in our hands to make sure you can go back to work safely, and maintain a healthy and conducive environment wherever you are. We have been manufacturing a range of body suits, swabs, test kits, sanitizers, masks for the end-user as well as for surgeons. GPC Medical is committed to provide better healthcare solutions so as to help you transition safely to a new normal.

Covid-19 Products

Our Covid-19 products, for a safe and better tomorrow

In our efforts to flatten the curve we’ve launched a range of affordable Covid-19 essentials that will make sure you’re safe while going to work or to the grocery store. We provide quality covid-19 products to healthcare providers and end users in our efforts to help mitigate this pandemic.

We’re committed to provide affordable products that help you maintain a safe, healthy and productive work environment. And so we have launched a new range of sanitizers that provide complete germ protection. Fight COVID-19 with our sanitizers which will stop the spread of germs and viruses and will prevent you from getting sick.

Reusable Face Masks
Safety is our top priority and masks are the best way to prevent yourself from catching a virus. Our range of affordable and reusable face masks protects you from dust and viruses, so that you can go outside and do your work without any stress. GPC Medical face masks protects you from dust and viruses so you can get back to your workplace without any worry.

Protective Clothing & Face Shield
GPC Medical has also launched a range of disposable protective clothing and face shields to protect your body and face from debris, chemicals and other hazards. Our protective clothing saves you from harmful viruses and germs and shields you from this pandemic.

Click here to see our range of COVID-19 protection products.

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